Learn how to remove errors on your credit report. Errors on your credit report are more common than you think. Not fixing the errors will hurt your credit score.
Find out how to stop a wage garnishment! Have you been sued and are now facing a wage garnishment? Discover if your wages are exempt from being garnished and, if not, how a wage garnishment will affect you.
Learn what you need to know about a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy hearing. Filing for bankruptcy helps eliminate the stress of overwhelming debt, but sometimes the thought of the bankruptcy hearing itself can be stressful.
You are in debt, more than you are able to repay and you are looking at filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, but you don’t want to lose your house or car in the bankruptcy. Find out if a reaffirmation agreement is a good option for you to keep your home or car in…
Thinking of filing for bankruptcy? Find out the top five reasons to file bankruptcy. No one wants to file bankruptcy, but sometimes it is the best option to get the fresh start you need.
Can you file bankruptcy more than once? Have you filed bankruptcy in the past and are now wondering if you are able to file bankruptcy again? Learn what the rules are for filing bankruptcy more than once.
A common questions is how much income can I make and still file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Find out the answer here!
Whether you are burdened with credit card or medical debt, currently having your wages garnished, or are facing a foreclosure, don’t lose hope. There are options available to help you get a fresh start.
Learn what steps to take after filing bankruptcy to help rebuild your credit.
Are you struggling to repay your tax debt? Find out if your tax debt can be discharged or reduced in bankruptcy.